Thursday, August 23, 2007

Changed My Mind about calling the XZone

I will be calling the XZone tonight, but NOT to question Bob Heironimus. Instead, I will be reading the following statement: After 40 years, this film continues to intrigue and boggle people's minds. In my opinion, it is of a real creature, but I do acknowledge that even if it were proven a hoax, it would not bother me because I have had two sightings, and am convinced they exist. Whether this film shows a Sasquatch or just Bob Heironimus in a modified gorilla suit does not have much impact on my research or what I am looking for in the woods. The great majority of reports in the Southern United States describe creatures which resemble apes more than they do this creature in the film. So, if it turns out this film is a hoax, it will not stop my research or my search for answers in this mystery. And I would encourage my fellow researchers that if they call in to this show tonight, please be respectful and professional and not emotional and confrontational. Thank you.

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