This e-book, the first from Hancock House, is a terrific one, dealing exclusively with the Patterson/Gimlin Movie, and it's a good one. It deals with the timeline issue surrounding the filming and the controversies surrounding that, as well as speculating in favor of the film's authenticity. It also deals very fairly with both sides of the issue, pro and con, and Murphy even uses information from Greg Long and his book The Making Of Bigfoot. Of course, the efforts of those past and present are highlighted-notables such as Grover Krantz, John Green, Rene Dahinden, Peter Byrne, Patterson and Gimlin themselves, M.K. Davis, Jeff Glickman and the work NASI did, the Russian scientists, such as Dmitri Bayanov, Igor Bourtsev and Dmitri Donskoy and the British scientists, such as Don Grieve and John Napier. The book is illustrated profusely throughout with illustrations, mainly by Brenden Bannon, as well as photos and papers and other items scattered throughout. There are also links to items online which correspond to the subject matter which can be perused. When this is made available widely, I do recommend getting it. Probably the most important book on the film since Bigfoot At Bluff Creek and America's Bigfoot: Fact, Not Fiction.
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