This is a blog commemorating the 45th Anniversary of the Patterson/Gimlin Film, taken October 20th, 1967.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
- Bob Heironimus says the film that many Bigfoot believers consider proof the ... Heironimus says Roger Patterson and Bob Gimlin asked him in 1967 to wear a type
050304EMbigfoot.1884c5333.html - 54k - Cached - ... began scrutinizing Patterson's film starting in 1997, Bob Heironimus' anger grew ... profiting offPatterson's film, and it was Bob Heironimus who had - CachedI have to say, I saw Bob Heironimus walk years ago on television and that gait ... gorillas, bigfoot,Yeti and nothing looks as real as the Patterson film footage.
comments/1432 - Cached- The much ridiculed Patterson-Gimlin film does not show a man in a suit. ... Bob Heironimus is also quoted, saying that Patterson made the suit himself by - Cached
- It's true that the Patterson film was often referred to as one of the best ... a retired Pepsi bottler named Bob Heironimus has come forward to declare that
bigfootsasquatch/a/aa030804.htm - CachedThe PG Film - Bob Heironimus and Patty General Skepticism and The Paranormal ... I knowHeironimus appears in footage for Patterson's film 'Bigfoot - America's - 256k - Cached2) HAVE THEY PROVEN that Bob Heironimus is NOT the man who wore the Bigfoot suit? ... he's just debating the Patterson film, but that's his scurrilous shtick. - Cached
- ... show Bob Gimlin sued DeAtley and Patterson's widow ... [edit] Bob Heironimus. BobHeironimus claims to have been the figure depicted in the Patterson film,
film - 99k - Cached - Bob Heironimus, a 64-year-old retired man from Yakima, Washington, ... Heironimus footprints do not match those left by the creature in the Patterson Film and
polygraph.htm - Cached - ... Heironimus, it was Bob Gimlin who first asked him, at Patterson's ... Patterson then told Heironimus to take the film and mail it off for processing.
korff04.htm - Cached
Monday, November 24, 2008
1967: On October 20, 1967, Roger Patterson and Robert Gimlin captured a purported sasquatch on film in Bluff Creek, California in what would come to be known as the Patterson-Gimlin film.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Links on Roger Patterson
Roger Patterson
Roger Patterson, a former rodeo rider had become deeply fascinated with Bigfoot after reading press reports about the creature in 1957. ... • Found on Google, Yahoo! Search,
Bigfoot: Roger Patterson's Interview with Fred Beck, 1966...
Bigfoot video Most people already know the name Roger Patterson. Fred Beck was one of a party of five gold miners who say they were attacked by Bigfoot type creatures in ... • Found on Google, Yahoo! Search
It was taken by Roger Patterson, a Bigfoot hunter, who, along with another man, ... the 1967 Bigfoot movie filmed by the late Roger Patterson, demands a response. ...
Bigfoot: Roger Patterson's Own Words...The Province Oct 25, 1967 Contacted at his home in Yakima, Washington, Roger Patterson told The Province ... This article was made available to Bigfoot Encounters by his long time ...
Bigfoot article: The Roger Patterson Affair in Pursuit Magazine - ... What actually happened in the Patterson Case was that a mutual friend, - Jim McClarin rang me (Ivan Sanderson) late one night from California to say that word had come out that Roger had ob...
Roger Patterson (II) Director: Bigfoot. Roger Patterson was no ordinary filmmaker, he managed to film a shaky... Visit IMDb for Photos, Filmography, Discussions, Bio, News, Awards, Agent, Fan Sites.
Cryptomundo " Patterson's Old Woman Bigfoot
The Patterson-Gimlin Bigfoot Film - 'The Most Important Wildlife ... ... Bigfoot, Loch Ness, and More. Patterson's Old ... If Patterson wanted a "duck-walking" bigfoot his actor may have been restricted ... Just ask Roger Patterson. ... • Found on Yahoo! Search
Re: "Rebuttal To Patterson Bigfoot Hoax Claim Due On Monday" http://www ... One of them has a piece of film attached, shot in California by the late Roger Patterson and Bob Gimlin in Octobe... • Found on
D. JEFFREY MELDRUM, Department of Biological Sciences, Idaho State University ... Patterson-Gimlin Film Subject In October 1967, Roger Patterson and Bob ... • Found on Google, Yahoo! Search
Bigfoot: Pocatello 2006 Bigfoot Rendezvous Jeff Meldrum
Although initially disclaiming any involvement in the Patterson-Gimlin ... Dr. Jeff Meldrum is a professor of anatomy and anthropology at Idaho State ... • Found on Google, Yahoo! Search
Bigfoot: 'The Patterson Footage' and Jeffrey Meldrum (Videos)
Bigfoot - The original Patterson-Gimlin footage can be seen here. Jeffrey Meldrum (homepage) is a tenured professor of anatomy at Idaho State University and ...
For a video of Dr. Jeff Meldrum, the leading scientific Bigfoot researcher (and someone we admire and respect) discussing the Patterson-Gimlin film Please ...
John Green's thoughts on the Patterson Film
ridiculed Patterson-Gimlin film does not show a man in a ... A comment by Jeff Meldrum "It has been obvious to ... • Found on Windows Live, Yahoo! Search
Editorial: Last word on the M.K. Davis Controversy (Re: The Massacre)
For the last nearly 6 weeks, one controversial theory has divided the Bigfoot Community into different factions, with the majority of the Community seeming to react with vitriol and venom to one particular individual in the Bigfoot Community, the man who is considered by some to be the authority on the Patterson/Gimlin Movie, and that is M.K. Davis. The theory? Well, M.K. proposed a speculative theory regarding a possible shooting and, well, for lack of a better word, a massacre of several Bigfoot individuals. This took flight especially after a certain filmmaker decided to release it to Cryptomundo, and the snowball rolled from there. This prompted a whole series of misunderstandings, including the fantastic claim that M.K. had said Gimlin shot Patty, which those who heard M.K. speak at the Ohio Bigfoot Conference know that he said nothing of the sort, and never so much as implied it. But because of one filmmaker, all of a sudden, M.K. was accused of saying that Gimlin shot Patty, and this caused M.K. to be a pariah to most of the Bigfoot Community, merely for expressing a theory, which M.K. told me personally was only one of a dozen possibilities. He never expressed the Massacre Theory as absolute fact, and some took it as that he did express it as fact, mainly because some parties in the Bigfoot Community were against M.K. and his theories from the very beginning and reacted as such. This whole controversy has caused so much venom and vitriol and nastiness that M.K. is getting out of Bigfooting. He is tired of all the BS and drama, which this author does not personally blame him for. There is nothing wrong with disagreeing with someone over their theories or doing a peer review, but if you are going to devote the majority of a radio show to it for weeks and weeks on end merely to bash an individual, or use your blog as a platform to continue to bash an individual for a theory, that is going a bit too far. This will be the last word from yours truly on this whole controversy, because quite frankly, I am ready to move on from it all, and I hope everyone else is too.
E-Book Review: The Bigfoot Film Journal by Chris Murphy

This e-book, the first from Hancock House, is a terrific one, dealing exclusively with the Patterson/Gimlin Movie, and it's a good one. It deals with the timeline issue surrounding the filming and the controversies surrounding that, as well as speculating in favor of the film's authenticity. It also deals very fairly with both sides of the issue, pro and con, and Murphy even uses information from Greg Long and his book The Making Of Bigfoot. Of course, the efforts of those past and present are highlighted-notables such as Grover Krantz, John Green, Rene Dahinden, Peter Byrne, Patterson and Gimlin themselves, M.K. Davis, Jeff Glickman and the work NASI did, the Russian scientists, such as Dmitri Bayanov, Igor Bourtsev and Dmitri Donskoy and the British scientists, such as Don Grieve and John Napier. The book is illustrated profusely throughout with illustrations, mainly by Brenden Bannon, as well as photos and papers and other items scattered throughout. There are also links to items online which correspond to the subject matter which can be perused. When this is made available widely, I do recommend getting it. Probably the most important book on the film since Bigfoot At Bluff Creek and America's Bigfoot: Fact, Not Fiction.
Links on Bob Gimlin

Bigfoot: John Greens Interview with Bob Gimlin... 1992
The following interview is Bob Gimlin’s account as told to John Green about the events that led up to and exactly how the Roger Patterson Bigfoot film was ... • Found on Google, Windows Live, Yahoo! Search,
Bigfoot: Roger Patterson-Bob Gimlin Interview addendum
Bigfoot Encounters Radio Interview Transcript With Roger Patterson and Bob Gimlin. November, 1967. The following is a partial transcript of a radio ... • Found on Google, Windows Live, Yahoo! Search
Gimlin Bigfoot: Gimlin gives talk about Bigfoot
Bob Gimlin of the famous Patterson/Gimlin Bigfoot film which started the Bigfoot ... Bigfoot researchers cite the 1967 Roger Patterson and Bob Gimlin famous Bigfoot ... • Found on Yahoo! Search
Bob Gimlin
... Bigfoot (1967) ... Find where Bob Gimlin is credited alongside another name ... You may report errors and omissions on this page to ... » Bob Gimlin Sighting » Bob Gimlin Sighting ... Sarah Utter doesn’t say much about what happened at the Bigfoot gathering, but does report she had a Bob Gimlin sighting in her town.
Wednesday Night on Television: Bob Gimlin Interviewed
Bob Gimlin was Roger Patterson's riding partner when Roger filmed the sasquatch ... died in the 1970's and Bob Gimlin hasn't given interviews in years, until ...
YouTube - Mysterious World: Bigfoot Footage
Footage of the Patterson-Gimlin Bigfoot film from Arthur C. Clarke's Mysterious World. ... Bullshit, you saw ONE programme but no proof, it's no limp it's their normal walk and ... • Found on Windows Live, Yahoo! Search,
Saturday, November 22, 2008
41 Years Ago Today...
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