Friday, September 14, 2007

The XZone 9-14-07

I made an appearance on the XZone along with Kal Korff this morning, and it was an interesting program. We mainly discussed the Patterson/Gimlin Movie and the issues surrounding it, such as the discrepancies in the story of Bob Heironimus, and I announced that Bob Gimlin had indeed not taken a polygraph. Kal basically discussed the same issues he always has regarding legal issues surrounding the controversy over the film, and also the fact that he has heard a rumor that the alleged suit has been buried somewhere near Yakima and also that Mrs. Gimlin has apparently a good bit to lose if the film is a hoax. Our old friend Bill Green called in and asked Kal about the legal issues surrounding whether or not a judge would hear the case in court regarding Bigfoot or not. I really enjoyed the show, and Kal wants to work with me, so we may do that. Thanks. Kal.

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