This was a pretty even-handed and scientific look at Bigfoot, including the old chestnut of the Patterson/Gimlin Movie which was examined under digital microscopes with interesting results by Rick Noll, Owen Caddy and Dr. Daris Swindler. Chris Murphy, John Kirk and Esteban Sarmiento are also interviewed on their impressions on hairy bipeds in the U.S. The other focuses of the show were the Skookum Cast, and two expeditions in Washington State, one led by Dr. Briggs Hall, the other an all-female expedition with some familiar faces and names in the Bigfoot field, such as Melissa Hovey, Kathy Strain, Monica Rawlins, Tracy Hegristad and Kristine Walls in the Skookum Meadows area, where they were camped out looking for evidence, setting up camera traps and doing experiments such as singing Christmas Carols to attract the attention of 'Squatches. Not very much new information from the P/G Movie or the Skookum Cast, but it was great to see the two expeditions, especially the ladies. I would give this one about a 4 out of 5 stars.